J. Perez-Mesa, Photographer. J. Perez-Mesa, photographer and head educator at CPW.


CARIBBEAN PHOTOGRAPHIC WORKSHOPS (CPW) is a visual arts organization dedicated to the enrichment of life through workshops and other educational activities that promote photography and digital imaging.

At the CPW you will find:

  • Photography and digital imaging for different levels of skills.
  • Master photography and digital imaging workshops.
  • Guided tours to museum and gallery exhibitions.
  • Community education programs.
  • Travel Workshops.

 J. Perez-Mesa show lighting technics and composition to a group of students.

 In CPW we believe in transferring knowledge. In one way or another J. Perez-Mesa, CPW head educator, had help beginers and professional photographers to develop their careers. On 2015, CPW is commited to expand the educational program presenting a series of workshops, seminars and events to help you improve your goals in photography. Also, CPW will include a series of Individual Personal Coaching.

To reach CPW goals, J. Perez-Mesa, will add to his educational team very important local and international personalities of the Industry. CPW is associated with several studios and has huge amount of private and public locations. Our talented staff includes models, dancers, actors, athletes, photo stylists, make-up artists, hair stylist, designers, location specialist and wildlife scouts for each individual event.

PMR Image Group behind the scenes. PMR Image Group's J. Perez-Mesa behind the scene.

Participants can develop creative potential, expand their vision, and master a broad range of photographic and digital imaging applications. CPW workshops are designed to promote photography as a way of expression, to stress your creativity and let you express graphically.

Please join us in this adventure and give yourself the opportunity to improve your photographic career or hobby. 2015 Schedule to be announced. 

For more information please contact us at:


 Photography students in one of our studio lighting workshops.